Ski areas here in Maine and across the United States are committed to lift safety and helping educate guests about the skills necessary to load and unload lifts safely.
Ski Maine Association and Maine ski areas view using and riding chair lifts in a responsible manner as one of the primary safety considerations for all skiers and boarders. A skier’s behavior has as much or more to do with the safety of the sport as does any piece of equipment from helmet to chair lift.
In addition to the lift instruction that skiers and riders receive in lessons at ski areas, there are also many different sources for information about safely riding lifts. These include:
• (a dedicated website for kids and their parents)
• Kids on Lifts video (produced with the National Ski Patrol)
Many ski areas include information about lift safety on their websites ( with information and videos for their guests. A couple of examples:
• Sugar Bowl Lift Safety Programs
• Sugar Bowl Kids on Lifts video
• Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows Chairlift Safety video
• Colorado Ski Country USA Teaching Your Kids to Ride Chairlifts video
There are many signs on and around a chairlift. Each is important in its own right, informing you about the process for loading, riding, and unloading the chair. Pay attention to and obey these signs when riding a chairlift. If you are unfamiliar with a lift or have questions, please ask a lift attendant for assistance and directions.
Backpacks on Lifts
NSAA has developed the sign below to help educate skiers and riders about the importance of securing a backpack so that it does not interfere with loading, riding, or unloading a lift. While they are handy for carrying all sorts of food and other items you might want when skiing or snowboarding, they also require care when using a chairlift. Be sure to secure all loose straps, buckles, and anything that might get caught in the seat or other parts of the chair.
The sign below recommends removing the pack and setting in your lap or on the seat next to you, check with your ski area for their recommendations.